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Information About These Packages and The Repository


This repository allows you to install the Samsung Unified Linux Driver via apt (or aptitude, Synaptic, Ubuntu Software Center, etc.). See the other pages on this site if you are looking for alternative ways to get your printer working. All the information in these pages is distilled from my own experience and that of others who have provided feedback over the years. My printer is the CLP-550N, which is not multifunction, so I rely heavily on forum feedback to keep multifunction printers working. Although I initially created a guide for using the driver when I was running Ubuntu (January 2007), I have been running only Debian Testing on all my computers since early 2008. This repository was created in May 2009 (and moved to its present location in July 2010), and has been my recommended approach for installing the Unified Linux Driver since that time.

Selecting Packages to Install

You can read the package descriptions and probably decide which need to be installed, and all dependencies should automatically resolve, but here is a breakdown of what each package does:

Package Renaming of May 2013

The repository was restructured and all packages renamed in May 2013, and the old packages removed in May 2016. Below you will find how the old packages align with the new package names and structure.

Which Distributions These Packages Work With

Making Your Own Packages, Mirroring, and the Future of this Repository (as of October 2013)

Please post to the forums if you would like to set up a mirror of this site (not that you need permission) or would like assistance creating your own repository based on the Samsung installers. Although I have no plans to shut down or stop supporting this repository, I do not have any significant amount of time to spend maintaining it and no longer have any ability to test new packages (my printer is not supported by new drivers). Therefore, it is possible that these packages will begin to stagnate at some point in the future if someone else does not express interest in helping or taking over. At a minimum, I expect to keep the existing packages available until such time as there appears no significant demand.

Why These Packages Will Never Be Official

Major Differences in Installation from the Samsung Installer

Who Uses This Repository?

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